BillPay is a bill payment API gateway written and maintained by Softwarehouse (Pvt) Ltd for the Webdev Group
Its simple to integrate for both vendors and billers.
BillPay is directly integrated with 95 billers and is actively onboarding new billers every month. If your biller has members who a required to make payments for your services, you can:
Accept online payments for your member's accounts
Upload or synchronize your member lists using the web interface or by API
Allow your members to pay for their subscriptions, fees or premiums online
Reconcile payments to your members automatically
Members can be sure they're paying the correct account by confirming their account details before payment
Payees can view/download payments using the web interface or by API, enabling timely crediting of member accounts and re-activation of related services
Payees can connect their accounting systems seamlessly into the API, lowering the staff requirement for payment processing, misdirected credits and member payment credit delays
Instantly provision services for your members on the strength of online payments
Contact to become a biller on BillPay and start accepting online payments!
Integrate with a single API to enable processing of payments for an ever increasing list of payees, thus substantially reducing your development requirement and increasing your speed of service delivery.
Connect to the auto-configuration endpoint to automatically download artwork, meta descriptions, titles, fields and supporting information for each payee
Earn commission on payments you process
Contact for more information on integrating with BillPay